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What is a Building Permit?

But more importantly,

Why do we need Building Permits?

Can we build without a building permit? It is like asking, "Can I park at a no parking area since it is Sunday and there are no cars anyway?" The answer to this is very tricky since a lot of contractors will naturally say yes, you can build without a permit just like you can park at a no parking area. So why do you need a building permit? Here are the reasons why:


1.) Loan applications

If you are securing a loan whether from a bank (click here to know more about bank loans) or the government e.g. Pag-ibig (click here to know the process of Pag-ibig loan and click here to get the checklist for Pag-ibig loan), the building permit may be needed before they will release the 1st tranche of your loan. This will assure them that the construction loan applied is indeed for construction and not for something else.


2.) Final Meralco Electrical Service Line

Meralco or the electricity provider in the Luzon Grid has become strict nowadays. Although they will provide you with a temporary line during the construction phase, a Certificate of Final Electrical Inpection (CFEI or CEI) from the City Hall or Municipal Hall of the place your site is located will be needed before they will provide you with the final line (electrical wire) for your house. The temporary line or wire size that Meralco will provide is only at a maximum of 8.0 square mm or number 8 American Wire Gauge / AWG. If the service entrance wire electrical design of your house is bigger than this (which is usually the case), you would not be able to apply for final upgrade without the Certificate of Final Electrical Inpection (CFEI or CEI) from the City Hall or Municpal Hall of the place your site is located. To be able to get the CFEI or CEI, the Building Permit is needed. You may also click here to check Meralco's website on how to apply for a service line.


3.) Professional and Legal Liability

The Building Permit is essentially to document the professionals involved in designing and building your project. Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Safety is essentially guaranteed by the professionals involved for 15 years. Many fly-by-night contractors and unlicensed professionals do not sign and seal their names in the Building Permit and instead have someone else sign and seal for them. This means if there is any safety problem, they are not legally liable.


4.) Subdivision and Village Requirement

Although there are subdivisions and villages that allow construction as long as the building permit is already under process, there are still several subdivisions and villages that do not allow materials and manpower at your property if the building permit is not yet released.


Building Permit Processes and Requirements


The Building Permit Process may vary from city to city and place to place but it is very similar. There is no "one stop shop" for this and documents usually move from several departments until it is released. To give you an idea of the process and requirements, we will be discussing them below:


Step 1.) Preparation of Plans and Documents


The list below are the plans and documents that may be needed in securing your building permit. Some of them have been discussed in the DESIGN PROCESS (click here to review the design process).  Before proceeding with the application of your building permit, be sure to have the following:


1A. Building Plans / Construction Plans where applicable

    1A.1 Lot Plan with Vicinity Map signed and sealed by a Geodetic Engineer (PhP2,000 if you do not have this yet)

    1A.2 Architectural / Civil Engineering Plans  signed and sealed by an Architect / Civil Engineer (included in our design


    1A.3 Structural Plans signed and sealed by a Civil Engineer (included in our design package for houses and buildings)

    1A.4 Plumbing Plans signed and sealed by a Master Plumber (included in our design package)

    1A.5 Electrical Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Electrical Engineer (included in our design package)

    1A.6 Mechanical Plans signed and sealed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer (included in our design package for 

        office, condominium unit or commercial unit)


1B. Supporting Documents

    1B.1 Geotechnical Soil Test Report / Soil Boring Test Report for 3 storey and above structures (PhP25,000 - PhP80,000

         and up) with Photocopy of VALID PRC I.D. and current PTR of Civil Engineer with sealed specimen signature of 


    1B.2 Project Specifications Signed and Sealed (included in our package)

    1B.3 Cost Estimate or Bill of Materials Signed and Sealed (included in our package)

    1B.4 Structural Analysis and Design Computations for 2 storey and above with Seismic or Earthquake Structural Analysis

         for 3-storey and above structures (included in our package)


1C. Technical Documents (as needed)

    1C.1 Building Permit Forms duly accomplished with complete signature and seals

    1C.2 Electrical Permit Forms duly accomplished with complete signature and seals

    1C.3 Plumbing Permit Forms duly accomplished with complete signature and seals

    1C.4 Mechanical Permit Forms duly accomplished with complete signature and seals

    1C.5 Photocopies of VALID PRC I.D.s and CURRENT PTRs with dry seal and 3 specimen signatures of the professionals


1D. Other documents For renovation, addition of floor or extension

    1D.1 Old Building Permit if project is for renovation, addition of floor or extension

    1D.2 Old Certificate of Occupancy if project is for renovation, addition of floor or extension

    1D.3 Previously approved Building Plans if project is for renovation, addition of floor or extension


1E. Valid Identification Card (i.e. Driver's License PRC, GSIS, SSS, Passport etc.) , Community Tax Certificate / Cedula etc.

    1E.1 Photocopy of the valid I.D. of applicant - to verify identity and signature

    1E.2 Photocopy of the valid I.D. of the Lot Owner (If lot owner is not the applicant) - to verify identity and signature

    1E.3 Community Tax Certificate / Cedula Number, Date Issued and Place Issued of Applicant's Cedula

        - for notary public to notarize documents

    1E.4 Community Tax Certificate / Cedula Number, Date Issued and Place Issued of Lot Owner's Cedula  (If lot owner is 

          not the applicant) - for notary public to notarize documents

    1.E.5 Photocopy of Tax Identification Number (TIN) card/1901/1902/1903/1904 (Use Corporate TIN for Coroprate



1F. Supplemental Documents (if applicable)

    1F.1 Notarized Authorization Letter to sign, apply and process building permit for applicant (applicant's representative)

    1F.2 Affidavit of Undertaking if necessary (Professionals certify safety of existing structure for Renovation Addition of,

         or Extension Projects)

    1F.3 Firewall Consent from neighbor if building a firewall on his or her side


Step 2.) Obtain Legal Documents


2A. 2 sets Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title or TCT (about Php400)

                - obtained from the registry of deeds where your property is registered. (3-6 working days)

2B. Real Property Tax Clearance (cost depends on value of property)

                - obtained from City or Municipal Hall of your property but should be updated to this year.- (1 day)

2C. Tax Declaration (cost depends on value of property)

                - obtained from City or Municipal hHll of your property but should be updated to this year.- (1 day)

2D. Tax Receipt (cost depends on value of property)

                - obtained from City Hall or Municipal hall of your property but should be updated to this year. - (1 day)

2E. If lot is not in the name of the applicant we would need:

                - Deed of Absolute Sale (If sold to you and transfer of title or property has not yet been processed)

                - Award Notice and / or lease contract (if you rented the property)

                - Deed of Assignment or Donation (if property was given to you)

2F. If Building Permit is applied by a Corporation we would need:

                - Corporate Secretary's Certification Authorizing the Signatory to sign and apply for Building Permit

2G. Affidavit of No Contractor if applicable and if under construction supervision only (Makati, Paranaque etc.)


Step 3.) Obtain Clearances


3A. Area Clearance

    3A.1 Homeowner's Association / Village Administration or Subdivision or Mall, Condominium Clearance (if inside a 

          village or subdivision or Mall or Condominium Building)

                 - Obtained from the Administration office of your Village or Subdivision or Mall or Building (1 day - 2 weeks)

    3A.2 Barangay Clearance to construct (PhP300 - PhP5,000 and up)

                 - Obtained from the Barangay Hall your site is located (1 day)


3B. Government Department Clearance for special places (if applicable)

    3B.1 MMDA clearance if beside or near waterways such as rivers and creeks

    3B.2 DPWH clearance if along National Roads and National Highways

    3B.3 DENR Environmental Clearance Certificate / ECC if site is in protected area

    3B.4 CAAP / Air Transportation Office (ATO) Height Clearance for cell sites, towers, spires and antennas and areas near            Airports

    3B.5 DOH-BHDT Clearance for telecom / cell site projects

    3B.6 PHIVOLCS clearance if near the fault line

    3B.7 DOLE Construction Safety and Health Program if applicable (For Makati, Las Pinas, Paranaque, Taytay etc.)


Step 4.) Apply Locational Clearance (Approx. PhP3,000 - PhP6,000)

                 - Obtained from the City Hall at the Zoning Administration Unit of City Planning and Development Office your

                   site is located. This is to assure the City / Municipal Government your project is located that the structure you

                   are building is allowed in the area. E.g. Shopping Mall in a residential area, Residential House in a Business                       District, School in a Hazardous Industrial area or a High Rise Building near an airport is not allowed. (1-2 



Step 5.) Apply  for Fire Safety Clearance (Approx.PhP5,000 - PhP8,000)

                  - Obtained from the City Hall at the Fire Department (3-10 working days)


Step 6.) Submit Clearances, Forms, Building Plans and Documents to the Engineering Department of the Office of the   

              Building Official (1 weeks -6 weeks) and wait for approval. Red tape would cost you about PhP20,000 -                                PhP50,000 in some cities.


Step 7.) Pay the Building Permit Fee. This is costs for Assessment done by the Architects and Engineers of your                              Municipal / City Hall. (Approx. PhP10,000)


Step 8.) City Tax / Contractor's Tax. This is Tax due to the improvement / building done on the lot. (Approx. PhP10,000 -                 PhP35,000 and up depending on the size and cost of the structure) at the teasurer's office.


Step 9.) Signing of the Building Permit by the Building official and Release of the Building Permit (1 - 3 days)

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